Sunday, October 23, 2011

My Story, Part 1

In order to properly share what I plan to do with my race season next year, I have decided that I would like to share my story.  That way, not only will you have a better idea why I do this crazy thing called triathlon, but you will also have something to read until I solidify my plans for next season.  So, who am I, and why do I tri?

For anyone reading this who may not know me, my name is Scott Swift.  I grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada (as opposed to Las Vegas, New Mexico), and was a very active kid.  My dad started me in competitive swimming when I was about 6 years old.  Swimming took up most of my non-school life during my childhood and early teenage years; the last few years of competition, I was swimming 2-3 hours a day, six days a week.  During my junior and senior years, I changed from swimming to volleyball, which--surprisingly--meant a lot more running than I expected. (Running has never been my favorite sport or activity.)

After I graduated from high school, I was still involved in sports and physical activity, but on a much more recreational--and much less competitive--basis.  My focuses over the next decade were varied, including: college, serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and starting a family.  As life went on, physical activity started to dwindle... until, that is, in January of 2009, at the age of 29 and facing the dreaded 30's, I stepped on a scale for the first time in years (maybe decades) and found that I was about 45 pounds overweight.  I also realized that my pants, waist 36" (I am 5'11"), were so tight that I had to suck in my gut when fastening them and didn't need a belt to keep them up.  This is when I knew I had to change...

I decided right then and there (yes, as I was standing on the scale) that--despite my repugnance for running--I was going to attempt to enter the world of triathlon!

To be continued...

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